Empower yourself through tailored, one-on-one therapy.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges and uncertainties? At Fair Counseling LLC, we understand that each individual’s journey is unique, and we are here to offer the compassionate support and care you need to navigate your path to healing. Our individual counseling services are tailored to address a wide range of personal and psychological issues, integrating Christian values with proven therapeutic techniques to help you find peace and growth:

Abandonment and Neglect

…for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you. – Hebrews 13:5b

Sadly, even in homes where there is no hint of abuse or domestic violence, there may still be issues of abandonment or neglect. Because this kind of problem so often “flies under the radar,” so to speak, it frequently remains unaddressed until its effects begin to negatively impact other relationships, sometimes years down the line.

At Fair Counseling, we believe that you can overcome issues related to abandonment and neglect. Our team of professional counselors provides compassionate and faith-based counseling to those suffering from the effects of abandonment and neglect, helping them to begin the process of healing.

Call us at 804-302-0336 or request an appointment online to set up your initial risk-free consultation with one of our counselors.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Do people describe you as overly energetic, forgetful, and spontaneous? Do you struggle with focus, completing tasks, or following through with responsibilities? If so, you might have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD affects children and adults, sometimes making it difficult to succeed academically or professionally. With Christian counseling for ADHD, you will learn how to thrive despite the challenges you face. At Fair Counseling, we are dedicated to helping you find the tools you need to succeed in all areas of your life.

Learn how to manage the symptoms that accompany ADHD by scheduling online an initial risk-free appointment with one of our counselors or call us at 804-302-0336.

Aging and Geriatric Issues

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. – Proverbs 16:31

Many people look forward to phasing into their “golden years” – a season in which they may be able to devote more time to leisure activities, enjoying grandchildren, or serving in the community. However, the aging process can bring its own challenges and frustrations as well. Some people battle with age-related health concerns or don’t manage to transition very smoothly into retirement. Others watch their peers pass away and wrestle with the finality of life on this earth. At Fair Counseling, we are committed to supporting older adults and their families with whatever concerns they may face. With God’s help and with gentle counsel, we’ll walk with you and your loved ones through this next chapter.

Find biblical encouragement as you grow older. Call us today at 804-302-0336 or request an appointment online to set up your initial risk-free appointment with one of our counselors.

Anger Management

Anger can be a necessary and useful emotion. It shows us that something is wrong and motivates us to act. Expressing anger in a healthy way, directing it towards controlled and positive change, and then letting it go are all part of a healthy relationship with anger. When left unchecked, anger can lead to behaviors we later regret, often hurting others and isolating us from those we love. If you or a loved one has difficult anger issues, Fair Counseling offers solutions for gaining control of powerful emotions so you can live a peaceful, Christ-filled life.

Find freedom from uncontrolled anger. Request an appointment online with one of our counselors for a risk-free consultation, or give us a call at 804-302-0336.


Life can be stressful, and sometimes, a little anxiety is a normal response that is easily worked through. For some, feeling stressed or anxious becomes a regular thing, maybe even limiting their ability to function fully. If you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed, nervous, or obsessing about things to the point of feeling out of control, you might be struggling with an anxiety disorder. Living a life that is too stressful is harmful to your mind and body and can affect your relationship with God and others. Don’t settle for a life that is less than what it could be. If you’re tired of the struggle, Christian anxiety counseling can help you calm the storms of your mind so you can reclaim your life and grow into all you are created to be.

If anxiety rules your life, we can help. Schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental condition characterized by persistent differences and challenges in social communication, as well as sensory-motor behaviors and interests that may be restricted or repetitive. Individuals with autism have varying degrees of impairment, which means there is no single best treatment for ASD. Proper care and services can reduce an individual’s difficulties while helping them build on their strengths and learn new skills.

Learn how to manage the symptoms that accompany Autism Spectrum Disorder by reaching out to one of our counselors at 804-302-0336 or schedule an appointment online for a free consultation.

Bipolar Disorder

Do you know someone who struggles with the debilitating effects of bipolar disorder? Are you wondering if the combination of symptoms you’re experiencing could be diagnosed as bipolar? If so, we urge you to consider scheduling an appointment with one of our trained experts at Fair Counseling. Committing to counseling for bipolar disorder is a vital step in working toward a peaceful, balanced, and God-honoring life.

To schedule your risk-free consultation with one of our counselors, you can schedule an appointment online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Chemical Dependency

Chemical dependency, such as drug and alcohol addiction, can have serious effects on all areas of your life, but sadly, many who struggle with addiction are stigmatized, making them afraid or too ashamed to ask for help. At Fair Counseling, we understand that chemical dependency is a real medical condition and usually requires professional and compassionate treatment. If you or a loved one struggles with addiction or chemical dependency, counseling offers a safe and effective environment for healing and redemption.

We offer hope for those who suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. Call us at 804-302-0336 or schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors for a risk-free consultation.


Gain Freedom and Independence through Christian Counseling for Codependency
Are you in a relationship where you are consistently making significant sacrifices to satisfy your partner’s needs? Are you dependent on someone else for approval, self-worth, or your sense of identity? You may be living in a codependent environment. If this sounds familiar, we’ll help you see the harmful cycle you’re in and find ways to shorten the circuit so you can break free into mutually supportive relationships where your needs and desires are respected and equal.

To schedule your risk-free consultation with one of our counselors, you can schedule an appointment online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Counseling for Children

The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him. – Proverbs 23-24

Raising righteous, Christ-filled children and teens can be a challenge. You have the world up against you – one that is often against the things of God. Couple that with our own human nature and struggles, and it might feel that your hands are tied. There is good news and hope for your young ones in Christ. Through Him, we are shown what it means to be Christ-filled caretakers and how to deal with problems that our children face. Even so, there are many times when we need a little extra help from fellow brothers and sisters. At Fair Counseling, we offer you tools for faith-based guidance and healing meant to strengthen you and your children as you grow in your walk with Christ Jesus.

To schedule your risk-free consultation, you can contact one of our counselors directly via online scheduling or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Counseling for Teens

The teenage years can be delightful, tumultuous, a combination of both, or something in between. Teens and parents can experience frustration and confusion as they progress through this stage of life together. The counselors at Fair Counseling strive to create an atmosphere in which your teen can freely express whatever emotions he or she may be feeling. Christian counseling for teens is a useful resource available for teens to address normal transitional issues as well as other concerns, including emotional or behavioral struggles, family crises, addiction, or loss. With the help of Christian counseling, your teen can find motivation and growth – both emotionally and spiritually – as they develop skills that will enable them to live fulfilling, God-honoring lives.

Schedule online today or call us at 804-302-0336 to schedule a risk-free consultation with one of our counselors to find the guidance your teen needs.


Do you feel down and discouraged, hopeless, and find it difficult to fully engage in life? Feeling sad is normal, but when you can’t seem to pull yourself back up, you might be struggling with depression. One of the leading causes of disability, according to the World Health Organization, is 350 million people worldwide. A surprising number of people battle depression without getting the help they need. Some might feel they should be able to control their emotions or see it as a weakness. Some might not realize they are depressed. If you think you might struggle with depression, Fair Counseling can help you heal and find peace, happiness, and fulfillment by combining experience in counseling psychology with faith in Jesus Christ for whole-person wellness.

Depression is a heavy burden. If you need help, schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors for a risk-free consultation, or give us a call at 804-302-0336.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy may not be a term you’re familiar with, but it’s proving to be a very effective treatment for those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD affects roughly 12 million adults in America each year. It’s a trauma response that many people experience this but just don’t know how to seek help.

To learn if EMDR may be an effective option for you, schedule your risk-free consultation with Cheryl St.Denis, a certified EMDR therapist, via online scheduling, or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Grief and Loss

We all go through loss at some point in our lives, and it’s natural to struggle with strong and painful emotions. Dealing with grief and loss is something we learn, whether through personal experience or watching the actions of others. If you feel stuck in grief and cannot escape feelings of sadness, emptiness, and fear or feel unable to move forward with your life, then Christian grief counseling can help you learn how to recover from grief by working through your unique experiences and methods of dealing with loss.

If you’re stuck in a cycle of grief, we can help. Schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Individual Coaching

Are you motivated to see positive change in your life but don’t know where to begin? Could you use some help setting attainable goals and obtaining constructive feedback to achieve them? At Fair Counseling, we offer a coaching service that launches individuals to the next level of personal and professional development. We would love to work with you to help you reach your full potential and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Call us at 804-302-0336 or request an appointment online to set up your initial risk-free consultation with one of our counselors.

Men’s Issues

Become the Man You Want to Be

In a world saturated with conflicting messages, constant media influence, and identity crises, it can be a drag to sift through which words to follow. Who should you listen to? What criteria should you use to determine what you’re supposed to say and how you’re supposed to act? What scale should you measure yourself against? Maybe you know the type of man you’d like to be, but you’re having a hard time becoming that person. Perhaps several obstacles stand in your way, and you’re not sure how to overcome them. Whatever the case may be, we’re glad you found Fair Counseling. We’re here to serve as both a buoy and a lighthouse – to lift you up, keep you afloat, and guide you to your desired destination.

To schedule your risk-free initial session with one of our counselors, you can schedule online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Personal Development

Do you feel stuck? Is there something holding you back and keeping you from living fully? Sometimes, it can be hard to see the full picture and determine what exactly it is that makes us feel a certain way. Christian personal development coaching can help. A compassionate ear might be just what you need to help you sort through your many emotions so you can work towards positive personal growth.

To schedule your risk-free initial session with one of our counselors, you can schedule online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health disorder that occurs after someone has experienced trauma, the threat of trauma, or even witnessed a traumatic event. Symptoms can include severe anxiety, flashbacks to the event, and unwanted and uncontrollable thoughts regarding the event.

Every person has a built-in fight-or-flight response that helps to protect them in dangerous situations. In the case of someone with PTSD, however, the fight-or-flight response is triggered in the body when situations or events merely remind the person of the trauma or whenever similar kinds of events occur. Even when the events or memories are less intense, the reaction can still be extreme.

Though it is normal for a person to experience disturbing memories and have trouble sleeping after suffering trauma, with time and good care, most people recover on their own. However, if the symptoms last for months or even years, then it is probable that the person has PTSD.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder does not always occur right away. It is quite possible for a person to develop PTSD months or even years after the trauma occurred, causing relationship problems and issues at work.

To schedule your risk-free consultation, you can contact one of our counselors directly via online scheduling or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Professional Development

Are you experiencing work-related pressure? Do you wish you could grow in your professional life, but you’re not sure where to start or which steps to take? At Fair Counseling, we offer Professional Development for working people who desire to move forward in their careers, manage job-related stress factors, interact more positively with colleagues, balance work and family responsibilities, and more.

To schedule your risk-free initial session with one of our counselors, you can schedule online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Relationship Issues

How to Build Healthy Relationships from a Christian Perspective

Do you find it challenging to develop meaningful relationships with other people? Are you unsatisfied with your friendships? Is it hard for you to trust others? Everyone craves connection, but building and maintaining healthy, successful relationships takes effort. If you’re struggling and frustrated, you’re not alone. Christian relationship counseling can help you find and maintain the connection you desire.

To schedule your risk-free initial session with one of our counselors, you can schedule online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Sexual Abuse

A large part of who we become is made from the experiences we live. When things like trauma and abuse are part of those experiences, it can make living a healthy, fulfilling life very difficult. If you or a loved one struggles with fear, shame, confusion, or depression because of sexual abuse or assault, we can help. Christian counseling for sexual abuse recovery offers support for women, men, children, and teens who want to reclaim a life lost to abuse and trauma.

We offer hope for those who suffer from the effects of sexual abuse. Call us at 804-302-0336 or schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors for a risk-free consultation.

Spiritual Development

Deepen Your Faith with Counseling for Spiritual Development

Whether you think about it or not, you were made in the image of God. You were created for His glory and for His perfect purpose in your life. Caring for yourself spiritually and seeking to grow in this area is just as important as meeting your physical needs through healthy eating, exercise, and intellectual stimulation. If you feel as if your spiritual life could use some momentum or if you don’t know where to start in terms of spiritual growth, we’re here to offer practical suggestions to strengthen your walk with Jesus.

Schedule online today or call us at 804-302-0336 to schedule a risk-free consultation with one of our counselors.

Trauma Recovery

As Christians, we can often find comfort in Psalms. One of the most regarded is Psalm 22, a writing about the coming, suffering, and promise of Christ. Through this Psalm, we are told he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but listened to his cry for help. If you’ve suffered a traumatic experience, Christian counseling for trauma recovery offers you a place to seek the many promises of Christ, one being compassion towards those who suffer and seek refuge in the Lord.

Are the effects of trauma limiting your life? Christian trauma counseling can help. Schedule an appointment online with one of our counselors or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

Women’s Issues

Find Renewed Strength and Purpose Through Christian Counseling for Women

To be a Christian woman in this generation comes with many joys, challenges, and trials. From day to day, we can experience a roller coaster of emotions and situations. As you seek stability and stamina for all the ups and downs that come your way, Christian counseling for women can serve to anchor you when you feel frazzled and overwhelmed. At Fair Counseling, we seek to develop beneficial counseling relationships that point women toward the tools and resources they need to live fulfilling, faith-filled lives – with God’s help.

To schedule your risk-free initial session with one of our counselors, you can schedule online directly or give us a call at 804-302-0336.

At Fair Counseling LLC, your journey toward healing and fulfillment is our priority. Let us help you take the first step towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Ready to start your journey towards healing and self-discovery?

Our team of compassionate counselors is here to guide you every step of the way. Connect with us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.